Research citizens’ needs and issues within the areas of road repair and waste management services and how to engage with Glasgow City Council in reporting them.
Rethink and develop concepts and service models for how citizens could report issues better online today and in the future.
Develop concepts in response to Smart Cities technologies in relation to Glasgow.
Showcase how to embed Service Design within Future Cities as a means to include citizens, bridging different levels of tech and digital literacy present across the city.
Make a case for putting citizens first and documenting Service Design methods for future projects.
The involvement of Snook answered to the Open Glasgow mission to engage and involve citizens, and communities in the development of new digital technologies for a smarter Glasgow. A Citizens’-led approach, deep understanding of user needs, a set of value changes, service principles and embracing a future vision for Glasgow services grounded on people’s needs but further enriched with blue-sky thinking. Snook delivered:
Focus groups, interviews of citizens – service providers, prototyping workshops.
Project report: Snook’s research and engagement strategy, research findings, eight Glasgow-specific personas, services redesign proposals, ideas for future development timeline, service blueprints and mockups.
Citizens newspaper template: developed as a means to open up the proposed service redesign to citizens and make it accessible.
Snook’s working process can be adapted and utilised within the context of future projects.
Mapped customer experience, feedback process, and customer journey maps.
Weakness in user journeys
Bespoke engagement tools
Design assets: Ideas infographics, mockups, MyGlasgow wireframes and Personas.
The team helped translate blueprints and datasets, using ethnographic methods into video narratives, describing a day in the life of future Citizens in Glasgow. Finally humanising the concepts and service propositions and putting them in context.
Snook delivered a report that connected the theory and practice of service implementation as well as a body of research that linked the concepts presented to real-life examples of existing technology and its employment in other Smart Cities. Ethnographic and design methods used for this project produced actionable insights that can drive digital innovation.
Snook made sense of the global picture and ecosystem of the Future City Demonstrator. Ongoing communication and connection with the companies involved in developing other digital assets for the Demonstrator that were linked and brought to life in the visuals delivered by Snook, provided a foundation to consider all of the work interconnected, making sense of why it should be implemented.
“I’ve not yet seen a vision that articulates all of this together in one succinct mockup.”
Dr. Colin Birchenall is the Lead Architect, Glasgow Future Cities Demonstrator at Glasgow City Council
My role
My role within the Open Glasgow project moved from Service Designer to Project lead. I worked closely with Sarah Drummond and the Open Glasgow team.
My involvement included:
Plan and deliver research strategy (Citizens and team engagement workshops, street engagement, research, shadowing, observation, field trips and interviews);
Design and delivering engagement workshops;
Design and developing engagement tools;
Design and develop a Future exploration module to ideate around future services and citizens;
Analysing and synthesising research findings, ideas proposed and service blueprints into infographics;
Design mockups of ideas proposed and prototypes of proposed integrations to the MyGlasgow App;
Design project report and write part of it;
Design citizens’ newspapers aimed at sharing proposed ideas with a wider, non-specialised audience.